- Spymaster: The Twitter Game That Will Assassinate Your Time: Over the past few days, perhaps you’ve seen a few t.. http://bit.ly/17in1f #
- @playspymaster I want an invite! #
- Bing It Is: Microsoft Rolls Out Its New Search Engine: It was no secret that Microsoft was getting ready to roll.. http://bit.ly/97oR5 #
- 40 Exceptional “CMS Enabling” WordPress Plugins: WordPress is a great blogging platform with a potential of bein.. http://bit.ly/hUCEu #
- WordPress Theme Development Frameworks:
Advertisement If you build and develop WordPress themes often, you will.. http://bit.ly/56PgM # - Neue Zune wird zum iPod Touch und integriert Xbox Live (Update):
Microsoft hat das neue Modell seines Medienpla.. http://bit.ly/joyPU # - Visualize Your FriendFeed Stats with FeedStats: Today, the folks over at Microblink have launched a new applicat.. http://bit.ly/eJg5h #
- EA Launches Freemium Version Of BattleForge: There's a new twist in the ongoing story of Electronic Arts'.. http://bit.ly/14c23C #
- RT @snipclip: recommends webinale live stream by twinity.com – http://htxt.it/oxMp #
- 10 Free Screen Recording Softwares For Creating Attractive Screencasts: Whether it is a "how-to on using a .. http://bit.ly/LUk9l #
- Guter-Rat.de öffnet Bezahl-Inhalte: Nicht mehr teuer: Der gute Rat wird kostenlos – zumindest im Web. Das Burda-.. http://bit.ly/3qhtPV #
- Schluss mit lustig: Bei TechCrunch werden die Leser aufmüpfig:
Das Bloggen hat auch schon bessere Zeiten gesehe.. http://bit.ly/4MyZh #
Mai 2009
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-24
- Facebook Launches OpenID Support – Users Can Now Login With Gmail Accounts: Last month, Facebook announced that .. http://bit.ly/9Js2D #
- Wettbewerbsbeobachtung: Toolbox: Jeden Tag erblickt ein Strauß neuer Websites das Licht der Internetwelt. Neue G.. http://bit.ly/cV3DG #
- Vodafone: Musik-Flatrate für 8,99 Euro im Monat: Vodafone führt eine Musik-Flatrate ein. Die Kunden können für 8.. http://bit.ly/nm091 #
- Oxid vs. Magento: Neue Open Source Systeme im Vergleich: Björn Schotte von der Agentur Mayflower hat die kommerz.. http://bit.ly/4e93g #
- Web 2.0 „Where are they now“……: Web 2.0 Graveyard from Meg Pickard Nice post from Meg Pickard with the above.. http://bit.ly/KqrlN #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-17
- Time Makes A List Of Tech Failures, Microsoft Makes It Twice:
Time Magazine recently published a list (complete.. http://bit.ly/8FCXt # - Wir suchen gaaaaanz dringend einen Praktikanten im Online-Marketing (m/w) – http://bit.ly/sCSup #
- Freemium Mobile Game Revenues To Reach $14B In 2014: Juniper Research has issued a new Mobile Applications repor.. http://bit.ly/18YdFs #
- @Hobbes84 und ich übernehm ihn dann :) in reply to Hobbes84 #
- Was kann der deutsche Onlinegames-Markt? – Interview mit Heiko Hubertz (Bigpoint): Auf der Next in der letzten W.. http://bit.ly/aClvR #
- Confirmed: Facebook to Launch Virtual Currency Test in Platform Applications Soon: Over the last couple of days,.. http://bit.ly/mjeCM #
- Online Ascii Text Generator:
Online Ascii Text Generator – Online den gewünschten Text eingeben und aus zahl.. http://bit.ly/fwt1N #
- 15 Free Functionality And Load Testing Tools For Web Applications: Automated web application testing is done ver.. http://bit.ly/n3QJX #
- Web Trend Map 4:
Die “Web Trend Map” ist nun in der vierten Auflage erschienen. Jährlich werden die 50 einfluss.. http://bit.ly/UWOV9 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-10
- SEO-Stammtisch Dresden: Gestern war das Kick-Off-Meeting des von nun an geplant monatlich stattfindenden Suchmas.. http://bit.ly/QkMFK #
- WE CALL IT TECHNO! als Videodownload: Nachdem bereits der erste Teil der wunderbaren Doku WE CALL IT TECHNO im S.. http://bit.ly/OQxcv #
- When It Comes To URL Shorteners, bit.ly Is Now The Biggest:
Well, that was fast. No more than a day or two afte.. http://bit.ly/46A2m8 # - Update on Chinese Gold Farming:
The following represents some notes and comments building on my earlier researc.. http://bit.ly/DDKlg # - Personalized song site GreetBeatz offers virtual gifts I’d actually pay for: Virtual goods may be big business, .. http://bit.ly/A9pOy #
- Once Again: 1981 Video Predicts The Death Of Print Newspapers: There’s a lot of talk today about how the new big.. http://bit.ly/MtA8A #
- “Where are you in the Movie?” macht Angst vor dem Abspann:
Nach Dead at your Age gibt es nun noch einen weitere.. http://bit.ly/FhLs1 # - Free Economy: Du verschenkst den Überfluss und verkaufst die Knappheit: @ Yahoo! Video Im netzwertig-Blog, einem.. http://bit.ly/55wwJ #
- Coldplay beschenken ihre Fans: Coldplay denken in Zeiten der Finanzkrise an ihre Fans und verschenken ihr am 15… http://bit.ly/hCHbo #
- Just joined a twibe. Visit http://twibes.com/Dresden to join #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-03
- @midasoracle thx. we appreciate you as an „epm evangelist“ ;) in reply to midasoracle #
- @midasoracle thank you for the coverage – we are still in pre-beta :) in reply to midasoracle #
- Videos from Facebook Developer Garage on Social Games & Analytics: Last month, I had the opportunity to spea.. http://bit.ly/25yui #
- See Wolfram Alpha in Action: Our Screenshots: Last weekend, we attended a web demo of Wolfram Alpha, a new „comp.. http://bit.ly/zfDep #
- $100M Annual Revenues Reported For Zynga: Rumors and speculation about just how much money Facebook social gamin.. http://bit.ly/9Ufsp #
- Time’s 100 Most Influential People Includes 4chan And Twitter Creators: This list is in. Time has released its a.. http://bit.ly/11XERz #
- @seppeltura schon wieder urlaub oder was ;) in reply to seppeltura #
- Inside Facebook Reports: Why Hasn’t Facebook Grown More in China?: Facebook recently celebrated its 200 milliont.. http://bit.ly/QHcGF #
- Rückblick MobileCamp Dresden – #mcdd2009:
Man kann das 1. MobileCamp Deutschlands mit zwei Worten zusammenfass.. http://bit.ly/7WkVb # - Keep Track of Mobile Visitors To Your Website With PercentMobile (Invites):
As more mobile phones become full-f.. http://bit.ly/cW8zb # - Wakoopa’s First State Of The Apps Shows What We’re Using, When And How: As a service whose sole purpose is the t.. http://bit.ly/11l24v #
- I joined twitter on 28 April 2008 – http://whendidyoujointwitter.com – Ich hab Twittergeburtstag :) #
- The Mystery Of CSS Sprites: Techniques, Tools And Tutorials:
CSS Sprites are not new. In fact, they are a rathe.. http://bit.ly/HtOzl # - Facebook First Big Site To Really Embrace OpenID: Apparently it’s embrace the developer community day at Faceboo.. http://bit.ly/GMv9j #
- gute nacht an alle mobilecamper #mcdd09 #
- @sonntagmorgen MIR!!! bis jetzt war jeder kaffee sehr sehr gut! ich glaub ich bestell bald was #mcdd09 #responserate #conversionrate in reply to sonntagmorgen #
- danke an den finder meines nokia e71 :) #mcdd09 #