Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-27

  • @bbswiss Nein? Welche Veranstaltung? in reply to bbswiss #
  • Playgenic mit zweiter Finanzierungsrunde: Keine sechs Monate ist es her, da erblickte mit Playgenic (www.playgen… #
  • Free JavaScript Game Frameworks To Create A Web-Based Fun: As JavaScript-HTML5 development is getting more popul… #
  • America is not the best at everything: Charles M. Blow has a look at some metrics for the International Monetary… #
  • My answer on Quora to: What would be the best location for a VC office in Berlin? #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-27

  • @bbswiss Nein? Welche Veranstaltung? in reply to bbswiss #
  • Playgenic mit zweiter Finanzierungsrunde: Keine sechs Monate ist es her, da erblickte mit Playgenic (www.playgen… #
  • Free JavaScript Game Frameworks To Create A Web-Based Fun: As JavaScript-HTML5 development is getting more popul… #
  • America is not the best at everything: Charles M. Blow has a look at some metrics for the International Monetary… #
  • My answer on Quora to: What would be the best location for a VC office in Berlin? #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-20

  • Upgrade to Requests 2.0:
    Requests and Bookmarks help users more easily reengage with apps they use. Whenever a … #
  • @stefanbielau bin leider morgen in münchen: wie sieht es nächste woche freitag aus? #
  • I've made plans for Startup Camp Berlin 2011 #
  • Screw the Jockey, Bet on the Mafia: There's a saying in venture capital that goes "Bet on the jockey and not on … #
  • @StefanBielau Leider hat es bis jetzt nicht geklappt.Hab grad gesehen, dass du um die Ecke wohnst -> Treffen mal am Freitag nachmittag?Dm me #