RT @SpinsFactory: APEX Gaming ist neuer Bally Wulff Eigentümer #BallyWulffGames #BallyWulffÜbernahme #APEXGaming #SchmidtGruppe #BallyWulff…
Juni 2022
RT @pitdesi: Founders building web3 solutions for problems that don’t exist https://t.co/HZEQADevAr
RT @pitdesi: Founders building web3 solutions for problems that don’t exist https://t.co/HZEQADevAr
IE11 goes out of support today. RIP https://t.co/Eqn5mWTmBu
IE11 goes out of support today. RIP https://t.co/Eqn5mWTmBu
@hinterding ;) twitter.com/weirddalle/sta…
RT @kromark: 🧵See the nickname on that door? This is the door in the basement of local school in Yahidne,
RT @kromark: 🧵See the nickname on that door? This is the door in the basement of local school in Yahidne, Chernihiv region, Ukraine. 300+ l…
@NuriBanking @MobileGeekGirl LOL – noch nicht so gut in der App kommuniziert ;) https://t.co/HckLpG07vJ
@NuriBanking @MobileGeekGirl LOL – noch nicht so gut in der App kommuniziert ;) https://t.co/HckLpG07vJ
@leojames @SievaKozinsky Same question 🙋 Please explain!
@leojames @SievaKozinsky Same question 🙋 Please explain!
RT @ClausHecking: Unsere @Spiegel-Recherchen zeigen: die Mineralölwirtschaft verdient sich dumm und dämlich am #Tankrabatt. https://t.co/It…
RT @ClausHecking: Unsere @Spiegel-Recherchen zeigen: die Mineralölwirtschaft verdient sich dumm und dämlich am #Tankrabatt. https://t.co/It…
RT @jdavey_2: If "Share The Road" feels more difficult/dangerous than it used to, it's because it is. https://t.co/4ioRTEMOAx
RT @jdavey_2: If "Share The Road" feels more difficult/dangerous than it used to, it's because it is. https://t.co/4ioRTEMOAx
@elonmusk Perfect targeting ;)
@elonmusk Perfect targeting ;)