YEAR 2010
MAU: 217.000.000
DAU: 56.000.000
MUU: 116.000.000
Bookings: 838.896.000 USD *
ARPU – year
MAU 3,87 USD
DAU 14,98 USD
MUU 7,23 USD
ARPU – monthly:
MAU: 0,32 USD
DAU: 1,25 USD
MUU: 0,60 USD
ARPU – daily:
MAU: 0,01 USD
DAU: 0,04 USD
MUU: 0,02 USD
Some other key metrics investors will want to keep an eye on (all numbers are as of March 31, 2011):
- Total Q1 Revenues: $235.4 million
- Online Game Revenue: $222.4 million
- Online Advertising Revenue: $13 million
- Cash and Cash Equivalents: $996 million
- Operating cash flow: $103 million
- Cash flow from financing activities: $225 million
DAUs is the number of individuals who played one of our games during a particular day, as recorded by our internal analytics systems. Average DAUs is the average of the DAUs for each day during the period reported.
MAUs is the number of individuals who played a particular game during a 30-day period, as recorded by our internal analytics systems. Average MAUs is the average of the MAUs at each month-end during the period reported.
MUUs is the number of unique individuals who played any of our games on a particular platform during a 30-day period, as recorded by our internal analytics systems. Average MUUs is the average of the MUUs at each month-end during the period reported.
Bookings is a non-GAAP financial measure that we define as the total amount of revenue from the sale of virtual goods in our online games and from advertising that would have been recognized in a period if we recognized all revenue immediately at the time of the sale. We record the sale of virtual goods as deferred revenue and then recognize that revenue over the estimated average life of the purchased virtual goods or as the virtual goods are consumed. Advertising revenue consisting of certain branded virtual goods and sponsorships is also deferred and recognized over the estimated average life of the branded virtual good, similar to online game revenue. Bookings is calculated as revenue recognized in a period plus the change in deferred revenue during the period.
source: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1439404/000119312511180285/ds1.htm