- Google Chrome wird zur 3D-Spieleplattform: Google hat damit begonnen, die O3D-Grafikschnittstelle direkt in Chro.. http://bit.ly/3E9GS #
- Wertlose Followers: Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich das Tool http://www.refollow.com getestet. Damit kann man Bulk Actions.. http://bit.ly/184MJu #
- Netzwerte 09: Wann macht welches Reputationssystem Sinn?: Im persönlichen (=sozialen) Kontext spielen andere Wer.. http://bit.ly/CUdOF #
- 45+ Excellent Code Snippet Resources and Repositories:
The beauty of code snippets is their abili.. http://bit.ly/fw9xD #
- YouTube Experimenting With 3D Web Videos: Pretty neat: a YouTube engineer is playing around with the addition of.. http://bit.ly/8qsod #
- Why Zynga Is Worried about Playfish: When I wrote my BusinessWeek column on Zygna a while back, every venture ca.. http://bit.ly/GVMvE #
- Can Social Games Make More Money?: Social games attract tens of millions of players on Facebook and other networ.. http://bit.ly/2m2do3 #